Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Homage to Eunice Parsons / Collage (with Eunice's papers)

I had the unique opportunity to spend the afternoon with Eunice Parsons in her studio in September of this year. It was thrilling, as she is sort of a hero to me and certainly informs my work. She presented me with a stack of "Eunice papers" and admonished me to "do something significant".  A few weeks later to my complete surprise I was invited to be in a show with Eunice, Rex Amos and Liz Cohn called Sacred and Profane the next 100 years of collage. This show will open in February 2013 at the Cannon Beach Gallery. I had better get some significant work done!

1 comment:

  1. i had not seen this, very nice
    i will show eunice sometime
